Best of Craft Beer Awards
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Best of Craft Beer Awards

Date: Mar 14 - Mar 16, 2025

Welcome to one of America’s fastest-growing beer competitions (now open to international breweries) – held in beautiful Central Oregon. We’re here to celebrate and promote the best of the best in brewing. We know how much time and effort goes into designing recipes and executing them flawlessly, so we designed this unique event to benefit you with national exposure, promotional materials, and automatic entry for medal winners in the following year’s competition.

Medalists will receive

› Heavy duty Gold, Silver, or Bronze medals you’ll be proud to display

› Promotional social media marketing materials

› Medals results and competition feedback will be within one week after event

› One comped entry for the following year’s contest

› Recognition with other medalists in a full-page advertisement in national print media

Learn more and register:

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Best of Craft Beer Awards
Mar 14 - Mar 16, 2025
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