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Contact Us

You can reach our staff in the Administration Building, just to the left of the Welcome Gate. Our office is open Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., closed on County holidays.

We look forward to your call at 541.548.2711
Email us at:

Contact staff:

Geoff Hinds
Director, Fair & Expo
Administration, media
Maarten Leunen
Operations Manager On-grounds operations
Brandi Ebner Sales, Marketing & Event Coordinator Expo sales and marketing
Luke Larsen
Sales, Marketing & Event Coordinator
Event Logistics and management
Elyse Ballinger
Management Analyst Financials and reporting

RV Park: staffed 7 days a week. For reservations and questions, call 541.585.1569

We are located in the heart of beautiful Central Oregon!
Physical Address:
3800 SW Airport Way
Redmond, Oregon 97756

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