Commercial Vendor Handbook
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Commercial Vendor Handbook

2025 Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo

JULY 30-AUGUST 3, 2025



As a vendor at the 2025 Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo, it is your responsibility to become familiar with and abide by the following rules and guidelines. It is also your responsibility to make sure that all staff or volunteers who are working your booth also receive a copy of this Handbook and abide by the rules.


The Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo (“DCFR”) averages over 175,000 attendees during the 5-day event. The DCFR is the largest attended event on the east side of Oregon and one of the top 5 largest events in Oregon. We have over 120 acres of space with national headliner entertainment, multiple ground stages, 4-H/FFA/Open Class livestock, competitive exhibits, 2 carnival areas, and nearly 40 food vendors.


  • DCFR HAS THE RIGHT TO LIMIT VENDORS AND PRODUCTS: To provide an environment where all vendors have the opportunity to thrive, the Vendor Committee at the DCFR has the exclusive right to limit the products sold at the DCFR and/or deny vendor applications with products that the Vendor Committee determines will not appeal to or are conducive to DCFR attendees or are already represented amongst vendors who have applied. All decisions of the Vendor Committee are final and not subject to appeal.
  • SPONSOR PRODUCTS AND SPACES: As a major event, sponsorships are very important and, in many cases, take priority over other exhibitors. Because of this, certain product categories and vendor spaces may be reserved for exclusivity and/or “Sponsorship Only” holds. This could potentially exclude some returning exhibitors from selling products as Commercial Exhibitors.
    • Vending at the Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo is not guaranteed with an application submission, even if you are a returning vendor. The Commercial Vendor Application is available on our website for anyone to access. We do not print or accept paper applications or make the application available in any other format. It is important that all vendors use our online portal so that they are tracked in our vendor database. Time is of the essence in vendors submitting their applications promptly.
    • Our Vendor Coordinator will email the application out to all previous year’s vendors with the link. It is your responsibility to provide an updated email address and contact our office if the previous contact information is not accurate after fair week.
    • The full application must be completed in its entirety. Any applications missing pertinent information will be rejected. Returning vendors will be provided with a deadline (typically in early March) to submit their application for first consideration on approval and space assignments. After that date, they will be put in the queue with new applicants.
    • Submitting your application early will help you gain approval. No new applicants will be approved or placed until after the returning vendor deadline. If you request a space that is no longer available, our Vendor Coordinator will offer you an alternative space before denying your application.
  • SELECTION PROCESS: A committee of DCFE Staff and Deschutes County Fair Association volunteers will evaluate each vendor application and approve or reject based on the following criteria:

1. Timing of application submission. Vendors selling similar products who submit their applications first will be given priority.

2. Space selection preference is given to vendors who have previously participated in past with the DCFR events and who turn their applications in by the returning vendor deadline.

3. Submitting a complete application with all sections filled out as requested.

4. Preference will be provided to vendors who sell products and are Oregon based.

5. Application submission shows compliance with policies and rules established above, specifically our family-friendly event standards outlined in Section IV, (2) & (3) of the Vendor Rules and Regulations.

6. References that can speak to vendor’s compliance with their event policies. Vendors who have violated other event rules and/or have a history of inappropriate behavior or being removed from other events will not be invited to participate in the DCFR and any application submittal will be denied.

7. Vendors who have a history of violating the policies and rules of the DCFR or have been removed from our event will not be invited to participate and any application submittal will be denied.

8. Vendors who believe they have been unfairly or incorrectly assessed under this policy may submit an appeal to the DCFR management. The appeal will be reviewed promptly, and a decision will be communicated in a timely manner. Decisions made by the DCFR management are final and not subject to appeal.

    • Indoor Commercial Spaces are 8’ deep x 10’ wide
      • Inline spaces are $600 each.
      • Corner spaces are $675 each.
      • Pipe & drape is provided
    • Outdoor Commercial Spaces are 10’ deep x 10’ wide
      • Inline spaces along the Main Entrance or Main Carnival row are $750
      • Corner spaces along the Main Entrance or Main Carnival row are $850
      • Inline Spaces in other outdoor areas are $600
      • Corner spaces in other outdoors areas are $700
      • Spaces behind your frontage space are $100 per 10’x10’ (i.e. If you would like a 20'x20' space, you pay full price for the 2 front booths along the walk-way and $100 each for the 2 booths behind those).
      • Any space fronting the walkway is full price.
    • Bulk space is available outside only. Spaces that are 600-1,000 sq feet will be $1,500, spaces larger than 1,000 sq ft will be $1,750.
  • PAYMENT POLICY: Upon acceptance, vendors will be sent an email and provided a timeline to pay by check, which avoids the credit card fees. After the deadline has passed, if payment has not been received, staff will process the credit card on the application with an additional processing fee. Any booth not paid for within 30 days of acceptance will be rejected and booth space will be reassigned to another vendor.
  • CANCELLATION: Vendors can cancel up until June 27, 2025, and are eligible to receive a full refund, minus any processing fees. After June 27, 2025, no refunds will be offered.
    • Space: Use of space for 5 days of the 2025 DCFR.
    • Electricity: One (1) regular household 110 outlet/receptacle per each space. Additional electricity is available for a fee if indicated on your vendor application. We will track cords to assure that no vendor is taking more than 1 outlet. Use of power strips is allowed. Please plan to bring at least a 50’ extension cord to reach the nearest outlet. Extension cords may be inspected at any time.
    • Wi-Fi: All vendors should be able to access the grounds-wide Wi-Fi network (information will be in your check-in packet). However, at times, the amount of people using Wi-Fi will make it lag or stop working. Please plan alternative methods of accepting payments in your booth.
    • Admission Passes: Each 8’x10’ or 10’x10’ vendor space will be provided with 4 daily passes for each day of the fair. If you have staff who will be working all 5 days, they can exchange 5 daily passes for a season wristband. Additional passes needed beyond the approved amount may be purchased from the fair office. All vendor passes are strictly for vendor booth staff ONLY and NOT to be given or sold to anyone outside of your organization.
    • Parking Permits: Parking is free at the Deschutes County Fair & Rodeo and parking lots surround half the grounds, so you can find a space close to your booth space.
  • VENDOR AND EVENT HOURS: Every single attendee pays for and deserves to experience the full DCFR event whether they come first thing as we open or for the last couple hours of the day. With this, we require vendors to remain open during the following hours:


      • Wednesday, July 30, 2025 – 11 am-10 pm
      • Thursday, July 31, 2025 – 11 am-10 pm
      • Friday, August 1, 2025 – 11 am-11 pm
      • Saturday, August 2, 2025 – 11 am-11 pm
      • Sunday, August 3, 2025 – 11 am-8 pm

INDOOR VENDORS (inside the Middle Sister Hall):

      • Wednesday, July 30, 2025 – 11 am-9 pm
      • Thursday, July 31, 2025 – 11 am-9 pm
      • Friday, August 1, 2025 – 11 am-10 pm
      • Saturday, August 2, 2025 – 11 am-10 pm
      • Sunday, August 3, 2025 – 11 am-7 pm

Move-in for commercial vendors will be 8 am – 8 pm on Monday, July 28 and Tuesday, July 29. All booths must be installed and ready for business no later than 10 am on Wednesday, July 30.

Vehicles will be permitted on grounds during set-up of booths for unloading only.Unattended vehicles in fire lanes or interfering with traffic or another exhibit space, may be removed by a tow truck if we are unable to find the owner of the vehicle.Please relocate your vehicle to a parking lot after unloading and before you set up your booth.Vendors who are in the Indoor Commercial Building can pull up to the back of the Middle Sister Hall for unloading only.

All vendors must check-in PRIOR to any set-up.Indoor Vendors will need to check in at the Lobby area of the Middle Sister Hall.Outdoor vendors need to check in at the North Gate.Upon check in, you will be provided with a vendor packet, admission passes and be escorted to your booth space.Should vendor set-up in the wrong space, vendor agrees to move to its proper location at vendor’s own expense and without protest.

All vendors must follow the instructions of our security staff and Vendor Committee.


Vendors may begin breaking down after closing Sunday night. Vehicles will not be allowed into the grounds until the all-clear order has been given by DCFE management. We will not allow vehicles on the grounds while there are still attendees present. Gates will be open for tear-down until midnight Sunday night. Gates will re-open at 6 am Monday, August 4th for additional move-out. All booth items must be removed from the Fairgrounds by 5 pm on Monday, August 4th. Security personnel will be on duty until this time. During dismantling, Exhibitors will be expected to remove all trash and debris from their exhibit area and place it in the appropriate trash or recycle containers provided by the Fair. Any articles or materials not removed from grounds by 5 pm on Monday, August 4th, without prior arrangements with the Vendor Coordinator, will become the sole property of the Deschutes County Fair & Expo (“DCFE”).DCFE reserves the right to dispose of such property in any manner it may deem in the best interest of DCFE.

Please be patient during move-in and move-out. Quick tempers and anger do not get anyone moved in or moved out faster. Be very cautious of pedestrians, trucks, forklifts, etc.


Vendors will have vehicle access to the grounds prior to opening each day of the Fair for unloading only through the North Gate. During Fair public open hours, vehicles are strictly prohibited from being on the grounds. Golf carts, ATVs or bicycles may be permitted inside the grounds prior to 10 am daily, and all supplies and materials for booths or stands must be in before that time or hand-carried after 10 am.


Vendors will be allowed access to the Middle Sister building no earlier than 9 am each Fair day.At the end of the day, lights will be turned out and building will be locked at 30 minutes past closing hour each evening of the Fair.Vendors should be prepared to close booths and leave the vendor area at that time.


At the DCFR, we are dedicated to creating an enjoyable, family-friendly, and inclusive environment for all attendees. We value the diversity of our vendors and recognize that the DCFR is a proper forum for the free exchange of ideas necessary to a free society but reserve the right to regulate all activities and vendors on the grounds with regard to time, manner and place in pursuance of our valid interest in maintaining peace and order, promoting a family-friendly environment, and protecting the general public.

We require all vendors to comply with the following rules to achieve that goal.DCFR has the authority to remove any vendor at any time for violating these rules and prohibiting their participation as vendors in future DCFR events. No refunds will be provided to any vendor removed for a violation of these Rules & Regulations.

Any reference to vendor also applies to the vendor’s employees, staff, and guests.

  • All products and displays must stay within the purchased booth size.For safety reasons, outdoor vendors have a STRICT 5’ set-back required from the asphalt.Outdoor vendors will not be allowed to go past this 5’ mark.Vendors who must be repeatedly warned may be removed from the DCFR at any time and/or will not be allowed to vend at future DCFR events.
  • Vendors must contribute to the creation of a welcoming atmosphere that respects the diverse backgrounds and sensitivities of our guests.Vendors are expected to utilize language, imagery, and behavior that is respectful and non-offensive.The use of explicit, offensive, or inappropriate language, symbols, or imagery in signage, marketing materials, or products is strictly prohibited.
  • Vendors must ensure that the products they sell, or display, are inoffensive and align with our family-friendly event standards.The sale of items referring to or promoting hate speech, sexually explicit, alcohol abuse, illegal substances, violence, or any other offensive content is strictly prohibited.
  • All vendor booths are subject to inspection from the Fire Marshall and DCFR Management.
  • Vendors shall not deface the DCFR facilities or property in any way. Use of staples, paint, tape, pins, etc., on floors, walls or drape panels is prohibited unless specifically approved by the DCFR management.No holes are permitted to be placed in asphalt.
  • All signs, banners or posters must be professionally made and neat in appearance.The use of hand lettered or felt-marker signs is NOT allowed.
  • Canvassing (polling, signature gathering, etc.) or sale outside of your booth space is not allowed. Advertising of any kind must stay in your booth space and no flyer, poster, or leaflet may be placed anywhere else on the grounds.
  • Vendors must have their booth staffed when the DCFR is open to the public and must care for and keep in good order the space occupied by them, taking every precaution against possible injury to visitors, guests and/or employees.
  • The DCFE Center is a non-smoking facility.Smoking is prohibited in booths, inside buildings, or within the main boundary of the DCFE Center.
  • All canopies must meet the requirements in the Statewide Guidelines for Fairs, Trade Shows, Carnivals or Common Venue Events as set by the Oregon State Fire Marshal.By signing the vendor agreement and participating in the DCFR, each vendor agrees that they have read and understand and/or, have access to all the information and will comply with all regulations contained therein.You may download the PDF file directly from the Oregon State Fire Marshal at: canopies must be clean and in presentable condition: no mold, stains, or holes.No tarps are allowed as roofing; however, tarps are allowed to provide sides for overnight closures.Canopies must be weighed down as it is frequently windy at the DCFE Center.DCFE is not responsible for damage to canopies or property due to wind.Vendors are responsible for any damage to their booth and damage that their canopy or products cause to other vendors and the DCFE Center.
  • Service animals are always welcome on the grounds, but we ask that you leave pets at home.If animals are integral in your vendor space to sell an animal-related product, approval from the Vendor Coordinator will be required prior to the DCFR.
  • Food or beverages may not be given away without the consent from the Vendor Coordinator and then it can be sample sized only. Sales of ready-to-consume food or beverages or vending machines from a commercial vendor booth are prohibited. Any sample provided must be provided in compliance with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 845‐005‐0413, and a copy of license or permit shall be provided to DCFE prior to any sampling. A sample shall be no more than 1/4 fluid ounces of distilled liquor in a single container. The attendee shall be provided no more than 2 and 1/2 fluid ounces of distilled liquor per person per license day.
  • Vendors are not permitted to utilize electrical outlets outside of their booth for personal items such as appliances, signage, etc.
  • Vendors are responsible for having a clean booth space.All trash must be placed in designated trash cans.Items or cardboard that are too large to fit in the trash cans may be left next to them at the end of the day.
  • Booth spaces must be 100% cleaned up on leaving the grounds at the end of the DCFR, which includes removing all trash, cardboard, zip ties, etc.Those who leave trash behind in their assigned booth area may be subject to a cleaning fee or not be permitted to vend at the DCFR in the future.
  • Sound devices, including but not limited to PA systems, musical instruments, and radios, are subject to approval of the Vendor Coordinator and, if allowed, must be controlled so as not to interfere with others. The privilege for use of such sound devices may be revoked at any time. All exhibitors should understand that it is normal to hear other exhibitors from your space.
  • Vendors are prohibited from selling, giving away, or using balloons in display.
  • Vendors are prohibited from subleasing or sharing their booth with another party. The allotted space is for the sole and exclusive use of the vendor named on the Commercial Vendor Agreement.
  • DCFR Management reserves the right to stop or remove from the DCFR or relocate any vendor performing any act or practice which, in the opinion of the DCFR management, is illegal; interferes with the performance of other vendors; causes apprehension to DCFR guests or other vendors; creates a health, safety, or fire hazard; or violates any rules stated herein. DCFR’s decision to relocate or remove shall be final and no refunds will be provided.
  • Any drawings or raffles must comply with Oregon State Laws.
  • No squirt guns or toy guns without an orange or red tip are permitted to be sold.
  • Vendors and their staff are expected to maintain professionalism, courtesy, and respect in all interactions with event attendees, fellow vendors, and event staff.Vendors will refrain from mentioning their competitors or their products or services in a derogatory manner or in any other way disparaging another vendor who is also participating in the DCFR.
  • Any unruly conduct, intoxication, use of foul language or refusal to follow rules may be considered grounds for immediate expulsion from the DCFR. Such vendors may not be invited to return to subsequent DCFR events.
  • Any form of harassment, discrimination, or offensive behavior will not be tolerated and may result in immediate removal from the event. Such vendors may not be invited to return to subsequent DCFR events.
  • DCFR management reserves the right to refuse vendors or products which may violate community standards of decency or otherwise infringe upon the rights of, or cause bodily harm or intimidation to, the staff, vendors, or DCFR guests, and to refuse space, or shutdown a space when deemed unsuitable by the DCFR management.
  • Vendor shall comply with those laws, rules, regulations and codes of the State of Oregon, Deschutes County, City of Redmond and the DCFR that may include but are not limited to workers’ compensation insurance, health and safety, fire safety and utilities.
  • All matters covered or not covered in these Rules and Regulations are subject to the decision of the DCFR Manager or designated representative, in their official capacity, which shall be final. The event organizers reserve the right to review, evaluate, and restrict vendor booths, products, signage, and conduct to ensure compliance with these Rules & Regulations.
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